Frequently Asked Questions

Improve Your Federal Contract Compliance

About Pillar Publishing

Pillar Publishing, LLC was formed for the purpose of providing a compilation and explanation of employment requirements for federal contractors. Anyone who has tried to navigate these rules and regulations on their own knows that the legal authority is spread out among disparate sources that are not always easily found or understood.

The writing and editorial review for the material is performed by a small group of attorneys, former supervisory employees for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. The information provided contains hyperlinked citations to the specific authority for each contractual obligation. In addition to the legal authorities cited, third party services are described which can also help with an individual matter.1

Pillar does not offer opinions about the propriety of the laws or regulations. We simply provide current information concerning the requirements. When it will assist in providing understanding about the requirements, historical context or public policy goals considered by the lawmakers is included.

Learn About the Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the material?

Once logged in to Pillar’s site, the material is accessible with any web browser, and is easy to navigate. It contains a hyperlinked table of contents as well as hyperlinks to navigate within the material and to external sources – laws, regulations and agency guidance which are the authority for the requirements discussed in the material.

How current is the material?

It is updated frequently.

Are there summary descriptions of the requirements?

Yes, there are tables which provide quick references to the major requirements, including summaries of different requirements – employee notices, sample policies, and reporting requirements.

Does this cover the “prevailing wage” laws?

Yes, the material explains the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and Service Contract Act in detail, including the add-on executive orders setting a minimum wage and paid leave for service and construction workers.


Yes, the material provides relevant DFARS clauses which supplement the FAR, as well as all requirements unique to DoD contracts and subcontracts.

Does this cover record maintenance and other administrative requirements?

Yes, the information collection, analysis, record maintenance, representation / certification and reporting requirements for all of the laws and clauses are discussed in detail, including when they apply.

I have a bunch of numbered clauses in my federal contract / subcontract, where do I go to find out what they mean?

Pillar’s material contains a table of all relevant contract clauses related to employment in numerical order, allowing you to start with a clause number, and navigate through hyperlinks to the full clause itself, as well as Pillar’s explanation of the requirements of the clause.

What about flow-down requirements?

The material provides specific instructions for subcontract flow-down of the clauses, including which types and amounts of subcontracts are covered by each clause.

Does this cover affirmative action?

Yes, the material explains the requirements related to affirmative action in great detail, distinguishing between the requirements for smaller (less than 50 employees) contractors (or establishments exclusively performing the contract). The material does not instruct how to prepare an AAP because of the interactive nature of the process itself, and recommends utilizing affirmative action consulting / attorney professionals to guide the process. The material will enable you to understand the AAP process thoroughly before working with outside professionals, and it explains all of the requirements related to equal opportunity / affirmative action applicable to all contractors.

Does this cover procurement ethics requirements?

Yes, the material discusses in detail the requirements of your company and your employees in the pursuit and performance of a federal contract or subcontract.

Where can I learn about Pillar Publishing's Policies and Terms?

1While the guide thoroughly describes the wage and hour and affirmative action requirements, including AAP requirements, it does not offer specific advice for preparing payrolls or AAPs, or provide examples. There are many software products, payroll services, and affirmative action professionals who assist contractors in complying with these specific requirements. The guide is not meant to replace those services, and in fact recommends utilizing such services as necessary to comply with these two specific areas of requirements.